Thursday, May 24, 2012

yogi_Autonumber Lines Within Cells Containing Text Row By Row

Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E.       Google Spreadsheet    Post  #558    May 24, 2012

user barrybaker said:
Is there a way of auto-numbering lines WITHIN a cell? 
Is there a way of auto-numbering, or bullet pointing lines within a cell?
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there is no direct way to acomplish what the OP wants ... 
in the following I present a workaround for this


  1. From the example you have given, it looks like all the numbered lines are still in separate cells, vertically. It's an ingenious workaround, but as it involves entering data in a separate sheet, and keeping track of cell references, I think it will ultimately be more work than numbering the comments manually.

    I really wanted something as simple and quick to use as numbered list, or bullet points, like one can use in text documents, emails, and even these forum posts! I don't know why it's never a feature in spreadsheets.

    Thank you for your solution - it has taught me some interesting techniques that could be useful for other situations.


  2. Hi Barry Baker:

    Thanks for your comment.

    If I were you, I would prefer the approach I have proposed compared to if I could directly key-in numbers in the source text because ...

    1) this gives me the freedom to enter my text without having to worry about inserting the
    numbers in correct places and so on

    2) once you set up one formula in Sheet2 along with row/line numbers in Sheet1
    the process is automatic and dynamic

    however, it is your project, and you may have preferences and project constarints that I am not aware of ... so it is your choice you have to do it the way it suits you best.

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